Staff role
Designated Safeguarding Leader (DSL)
Kate Tait
Senior Leadership Office
Deputy DSL Team
Kate Persaud
Michael Dennington
Claire Spencer
Senior Leadership Offices
Safeguarding Governor
Matt Nichol
Elmfield School Office
Kate Persaud
Headteacher's Office
At Elmfield School we take great care to ensure our children are safe because we know children learn best when they feel safe and secure.
We make sure all staff appointed undergo rigorous checks and we then expect these staff consider children’s wellbeing and safe at all times.
As well as maintaining the safety of students, staff and the school buildings we have a legal duty to follow up concerns that we have about the safety and wellbeing of any child in the school.
We liaise with Parents and Carers closely and involve other agencies if we need to. We ask Parents /Carers to tell us about anything happening at home which may be worrying or upsetting a child.
We make sure all staff report any concerns they have about children’s safety or well being to the Designated Safeguarding Leader (DSL) in school.
Safeguarding contacts - If you have concerns about a child/young person in...
Bristol contact First Response - 01179036444 or here
Bristol Mental Health - 03005550334 or Avon And Wiltshire Mental Health NHS Partnership - 08009531919
South Gloucestershire contact Access and Response Team - 0145486600 /
North Somerset contact Single Point of Access - 01275888808
Bath and North East Somerset contact Children's Social Work Services - 01225396312 or 01225396313 Emergency Duty Team - 01454615165
Newport contact Social Services duty officer on (01633) 656656 or the emergency contact team on 0800 328 4432
Monmouth Children's Services
contact Children's Services - 01291 635669 or If it is outside of office hours contact Out of Hours and Bank Holidays Emergency Duty Team: 0800 328 4432
contact the Contact and Referral Team - 0808 100 1727 or If it is outside of office hours contact Out of Hours and Bank Holidays Emergency Duty Team: 0800 328 4432
Gloucester contact Children and Families Front Door Service on 01452 426565 or The Emergency Duty Team (EDT) are available for emergencies, out of office hours, which cannot safely wait until the next working day 01452 614194
Signposting for Parents
All children need support at one time or another, this could be because of issues around mental health and wellbeing, exam pressure, worries around friendships etc. There are many websites that offer support to parents/carers, please take a look at the ones we have included below.
Childline – Call 0800 1111 or click on this website to find the 1-2-1 with a counsellor using SignVideo remote interpreting . You can also send an email to Childline if you have an account with them.
Kooth - Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community. Access free, safe and anonymous
Off The Record: Free, self-referral counselling service for young people age, who are experiencing low mood, depression, anxiety, phobias, self-harm, eating problems and/or anger. Young people can call, email or text. Also offer parent support groups and sessions. Website:
- Happy Maps - A website for parents and carers. Reliable and up-to-date resources on emotional health for your children.
- Young Minds - Offer confidential online and telephone information and support for anyone worried about the emotional, behaviour, or mental health of a child/young person up to 25 years of age, including ADHD, Autism and Aspergers. Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 Website:
Bristol Parenting Menu - They have courses for parents of teenagers, children with challenging behaviour and teenagers with aggressive or abusive behaviour or who’ve been involved in the criminal justice system. Parenting courses currently running in Bristol -
SignHealth text crisis service – Text DEAF to 85258
BSL 999 – free service for BSL users to contact emergency services
- Coping with self-harm: A FREE Guide for Parents and Carers.
- How to Grow a Grown Up: Preparing Your Teen for the Real World - a book by Dr Dominique Thompson.
- Blame My Brain: the Amazing Teenage Brain Revealed (written for teenagers, but highly recommended for parents).
General advice for parents of teenagers
Parenting teenagers can be challenging and many parents find it hard to adapt to changes in their child's behaviour as they grow up. Here you'll find lots of practical advice on how to deal with common teen issues.
Behaviour: Behaviour | Relate
Family issues: Family issues | Relate
Communicating with teens: Communicating with teens | Relate
Alcohol and drugs: Alcohol and drugs | Relate
Sex and relationships: Sex and relationships | Relate
Mental Health: Mental health | Relate
School and work: School and work | Relate
Signposting for Students
BSL 999 – free service for BSL users to contact emergency services text crisis service – Text DEAF to 85258
ChatHealth enables students aged 11-19 to text a number and receive confidential advice on a range of topics including mental health and wellbeing, smoking, drugs and alcohol, bullying, body image, relationships and healthy eating.
Childline – Call 0800 1111 or click on this website to find the 1-2-1 with a counsellor using SignVideo remote interpreting . You can also send an email to Childline if you have an account with them.
Kooth - Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community. Access free, safe and anonymous
Off The Record: Free, self-referral counselling service for young people age, who are experiencing low mood, depression, anxiety, phobias, self-harm, eating problems and/or anger. Young people can call, email or text. Also offer parent support groups and sessions. Website:
Anxiety - Free phone app for information and ways of managing anxiety for young people.Website:
- Self harm - Free phone app: Information and ways of managing self harm for young people. Website:
General wellbeing- Headspace meditation-
Mental Health and Wellbeing Support for Students – from Dr Tina Rae
Dr Tina Tae (Child Psychologist) has produced a series of talks for young people on different aspects of mental health and wellbeing and these are freely available on her YouTube channel. They include topics such as:
- Body image
- Healthy relationships
- Healthy body - healthy mind
- Staying safe online
- Mindfulness
- Managing exam stress
- … and more
To follow her channel and watch the videos, please follow this link: Dr Tina Rae - Wellbeing for Teens
E-safety online safety
The internet is a wonderful and rich resource for education. Children are increasingly using it to support learning and for social interaction and entertainment. However, there are also risks to be aware of.
In school, we safeguard the children around technology in three ways:
- Filtering and controlling access to the internet
- - Monitoring internet use.
- Providing education throughout the curriculum about e-safety and cyber-bullying
Parents can use the same strategies at home and here are some resources to give more help and guidance:
Know It All site created by Childnet International on which you can view a presentation on e-safety in English or BSL.
The NDCS have joined forces with ChildNet International, part of UK Safer Internet Centre, to create a raft of e-safety resources. Please click here for more information.
Try to be aware of when your children are online and what they are doing. It is important that they are trusted and given some freedom to use the internet safely.
Use your children as experts. Ask them to explain and show you what they are doing online. Let them know that you are always there to talk about anything they find that makes them upset or uncomfortable.
There are also step-by-step guides to setting up parental controls for most major internet service providers.
The Safer Internet Centre has released the findings of their research with young people with regard to online safety. Please click here to find advice and top tips for parents / carers with regards to online safety and here for a guide to the social networks your children use.
Please see below for a selection of videos on how to stay safe online
- Please click here for a parents' guide on what you need to know about iPads.
- Please click here for a parents' guide to WhatsApp.
- Please click here to see a parents' guide to Facebook.
- Please click here for a parents' guide to YouTube.
- Please click here for a guide about what parents need to know about online grooming.
- Please click here for a parents' guide to TikTok.
- Please click here to see a YouTube clip about what parents need to know about the game Fortnite.
- Please click here for a Digital Wellbeing guidance for parents.
- Please click here for a parents' guide to Twitch.
- Please click here for a parents' guide to Kik.
- Please click here to see an Ofsted endorsed guide for online safety.
- Please click here for a NSPCC guide to keeping your child safe online.
- Please click here for a parents' guide to Fortnite: Battle Royale.
- Please click here to see a parents' guide on Sadfishing.
- Please click here to see a parents' guide to Netflix.
- Please click here for a parents' guide to Discord.
- Please click here for a parents' guide to Call of Duty.
- Please click here for a parents' guide to Roblox.
- Please click here for a parents' guide to Snapchat.
Please click here for some really user friendly guides for parents about the risks of games and apps such as Fortnite, Grand Theft Auto, What’s App, Instagram etc. They also give top tips on how to keep children and young people safe online.
There are about 20 in total and they can all be downloaded for free.
Please click here for government guidance updated February 2021.
Childnet offers a toolkit to support parents and carers of children of any age to start discussions about their online life, and to find out where to get more help and support.
Commonsensemedia provide independent reviews, age ratings, & other information about all types of media for children and their parents.
Government advice about protecting children from specific online harms such as child sexual abuse, sexting, and cyberbullying
Internet Matters provide age-specific online safety checklists, guides on how to set parental controls, and practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world
How Can I Help My Child? Marie Collins Foundation – Sexual Abuse Online
Let’s Talk About It provides advice for parents and carers to keep children safe from online radicalisation
London Grid for Learning provides support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online, including tips to keep primary aged children safe online
Stopitnow resource from The Lucy Faithfull Foundation can be used by parents and carers who are concerned about someone’s behaviour, including children who may be displaying concerning sexual behaviour (not just about online)
National Crime Agency/CEOP Thinkuknow provides support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
Parentzone provides help for parents and carers on how to keep their children safe online
Talking to your child about online sexual harassment: A guide for parents – This is the Children’s Commissioner’s parental guide on talking to their children about online sexual harassment
#Ask the awkward – Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre guidance to parents to talk to their children about online relationships.
Prevent Strategy
From July 2015 all schools (as well as other organisations) have a duty to safeguard children from radicalisation and extremism.
This means we have a responsibility to protect children from extremist and violent views, in the same way we protect them from drugs or gang violence.
Please click here to see our Prevent leaflet that gives more detailed information on this government strategy.
Reporting a concern
You can report a concern about your own safety or wellbeing, or someone else's, in several ways.
You can:
- talk to your tutor/class teacher
talk to your SENCO
- talk to any Trusted Adult in the School
- talk to a member of the Safeguarding Team
You can also report concerns without immediately talking to someone in the school in the following ways:
Go to the CEOP website here to anonymously report if you or someone else is being sexually abused or exploited
Call or send an email to Childline. Their number is 0800 111 or you can send an email by visiting the Childline website here
Sign up to here, or download the app, to get free and anonymous access to mental health support and online counselling
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