Home Learning
Home Learning
We recognise that the partnership between home and school is vital in enabling each child to reach their full potential. We aim to provide regular homework activities which establishes positive attitudes to learning, encouraging both enjoyment and independence, and building confident and enthusiastic learners. Even from an early age home learning can help to develop the self-discipline children need to study on their own, and to prepare them for the requirements of secondary school and beyond.
Home learning gives parents and carers the chance to get involved in their child’s learning. Most importantly we encourage all children to take home a reading book and spend some time reading each night.
Children may be provided with individualised home work to support their learning or more general open ended tasks to supplement their knowledge related to the topics they are currently studying.
Elmfield have subscribed to some online home learning websites to provide opportunities for children to consolidate and extend their learning at home. Teachers will set and monitor specific tasks, activities and reading materials for pupils to access. Parents are sent the necessary log ins to these websites but please ask your teacher at any point to resend them.
See details of the online resources below.

BSL stories to access from home
Please follow the links/QR codes below to watch BSL stories signed by friends of Elmfield School.
The Tiger Who Came to Tea: Handa's Surprise:
https://youtu.be/zpzqAb7r4P0 https://youtu.be/gtm3YUtHiMI
Where's My Teddy?: Handa's Hen:
https://youtu.be/ypNQ4dPqF2w https://youtu.be/GChpjV1PDnQ
The Rainbow Fish: Can't You Sleep Little Bear:
https://youtu.be/NicG1yVq5ik https://youtu.be/QHZrm1xzEbU
Peace at Last: Stuck:
https://youtu.be/UDR3o1NWMMA https://youtu.be/sjA8dfeUgaU