Foundation Stage and Primary
Children in Elmfield School for Deaf Children are taught in accordance with the Early Learning Goals and the National Curriculum.
At Elmfield we follow The Cornerstones Curriculum. This is a concept-led primary curriculum informed by the latest evidence from cognitive science and the requirements of the Education inspection framework (Ofsted, updated 2022). Our curriculum offer is robust yet bespoke enough to meet the unique needs of our school.
Our curriculum progresses from Nursery to Year 6 and encompasses the subjects of history, geography, science, design and technology, art and design, maths and English. It is important that our curriculum meets the requirements set out in the national curriculum and Ofsted Inspection Framework, enabling children to build knowledge and understanding over time, while offering rich, broad and engaging content within a sign-bilingual environment.
We believe that all children are entitled to an ambitious curriculum full of opportunity. We are very proud to have been given the Music Mark Award for the second year running in September 2023 in recognition of our work.
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their children from RE and Collective Worship on religious grounds should they wish to do so. This can be discussed with the headteacher on an individual basis.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is covered in the framework of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). The school’s Sex and Relationships Education Policy is available from the school office and parents and carers are invited to view the materials used in teaching the elements of the programme should they so wish.
Further curriculum information for Primary can be located under the Classes tab.
For families who are interested in our provision and wondering how it might benefit their child, we can offer opportunities for children to come and experience our settings.