Elmfield School

Secondary - Reporting Absence

We place great importance on the regular attendance of all pupils. Each pupil is registered in the morning by their class tutor then in each lesson by teachers.

If your child is absent from school you must telephone (0117 952 7170) or text ( 07537 455344) the school giving a reason for the absence and send in a note explaining why your child was away when your child returns to school. You may also email the school on office@elmfieldschool.co.uk.

If the school does not receive this information then we have to record your child's absence as unauthorised.  The number of unauthorised absences in the register is checked by the Education Welfare Officer.

It is very important that children are in school and on time every day.

Children who miss school often find:

  • They have difficulties with friendships
  •  They have problems catching up with missed learning
  • They have missed important assessments
  • They have missed out on educational visits
  • They have more work to do at home

It has also been found that GCSE grades for children with poor attendance can be as much as 2 grades lower than predicted.

We want your child to be in school every day. You can help your child at school by making sure.

  • They only stay home when they are genuinely ill
  • You make hospital and other appointments after school or in the holidays
  • You only go on holiday during school holidays

If your child is ill please phone the school as early as possible in the morning to let us know they will not be in.

If your child is off school for more than one day please phone in every morning so we know where your child is supposed to be.

If your child comes to school by taxi, you need to let transport services know if they are not in school as well as informing us.

We work closely with the EWO (Education Welfare Officer) who monitors the attendance of all students. If your child misses too much school, the EWO will visit and may put an attendance programme in place. In serious cases, parents can be fined if children miss too much school.