Elmfield School

Secondary - Hours

Allfoxton Road Site

Children should be in school by 8:45am.  The school will be supervised by Elmfield staff from 8:40am.

 First Bell  8:40
 Assembly/Tutor Time  8:45 - 9:10
 Lesson 1  9:10 - 10:10
 Lesson 2  10:10 - 11:10
 Break  11:10 - 11:40
 Lesson 3  11:40 - 12:40
 Lesson 4  12:40 - 1:40
 Lunch  1:40 - 2:25
 Lesson 5  2:25 - 3:25









A member of staff is always on duty at the end of the day until 3:45pm or the last minibus or taxi has departed.  Should the taxi be late arriving to collect your child a member of staff will phone parents/carers at home. 

Sheridan Road Site

Tutor Time 8:45 to 9:00
P1 9:00 - 9:55 
P2 9:55 - 10:50 
Break 10:50 - 11:05 
P3 11:05 - 12:05 
Lunch 12:05 - 13:00 
P4 13:00 - 14:00 
P5 14:00 - 14:55